Ethical Manufacturing
At European Springs and Pressings, we are dedicated not only to delivering high-quality products but also to ensuring they are manufactured ethically and sustainably. We hold ourselves to the highest of standards, ensuring our manufacturing processes are free from exploitation, harmful labour practices, and unethical conduct.
Read on to discover more about our commitment to ethical manufacturing and the steps we take to uphold our modern slavery statement.
What is Ethical Manufacturing?
Ethical manufacturing is an approach to manufacturing processes that prioritise health and wellbeing within all those involved. It focusses on fairness, sustainability, and an overall respect for human rights. This applies to all aspects of our business, from initial designs to end products, we want to ensure that we are operating in the best interest of our staff.
We believe that ethical manufacturing not only enhances the wellbeing of our employees but also supports the long-term success of our business. A positive work environment means greater productivity and encourages employees to remain with the company for the long term. By investing in our staff and their wellbeing, we ensure the delivery of high-quality results, created with the utmost ethical care.
The Importance of the Modern Slavery Statement
A modern slavery statement is a legal requirement for businesses that meet certain size criteria in the UK, and it’s for organisations to show that they are taking active steps to eliminate modern slavery within their operations and supply chains. The UK Modern Slavery Act of 2015 requires businesses with an annual turnover of 36 million or more to publish an annual statement that outlines the steps they are taking to address slavery and human trafficking within their business operations.
Modern slavery is a serious issue that currently affects almost 50 million people worldwide. Anti-Slavery International defines modern slavery as when an individual is exploited by others, for personal or commercial gain. The modern slavery statement is a clear declaration of the steps we take to both identify and prevent slavery and forced labour. It moreover allows us to continually improve our manufacturing processes, to ensure all of our suppliers and partners adhere to ethical practices.
How We Comply with the UK Modern Slavery Act
We implement proactive measures within our business or supply chain to make sure that modern slavery does not exist at any stage of our operations. We are continuously improving and reviewing our practices to ensure complete compliance, and we take this matter incredibly seriously. Here are some of the measures we have introduced:
- We have a rigorous due diligence process in place to monitor our suppliers and business partners to ensure that they are complying with modern slavery regulations, and that they are carrying out due diligence within their own supply chains.
- Our suppliers are required to confirm that their employees are given good working conditions, treated fairly, and are paid in accordance with national minimums.
- We also require confirmation from our suppliers that all employees are voluntarily in employment, that employers do not keep original copies of identity documents, and that employees are free to leave work as they wish.
- Our modern slavery statement is updated annually, and we encourage open communication regarding any potential risks or issues within our supply chain. This means we provide clear channels for our employees, suppliers, and partners to raise any issues confidentially.
- We provide regular staff training on recognising the signs of modern slavery and make sure that they are fully briefed on how to report concerns.
The Made in Britain certification is a symbol of trust, and it assures customers that our products are manufactured responsibly, with the highest regard for ethical labour practices. We ensure that our supply chain is traceable and accountable, which allows us to track any risks of unethical practices, including that of modern slavery.
At European Springs, we are committed to bringing you high quality products, that are manufactured ethically and sustainably. We take continuous measures to uphold and update our modern slavery statement where necessary, so that you can be sure your products are made in the most ethical way possible, and do not originate from processes that engage forced labour. You can read our full modern slavery statement here should you require further information.