smart factory

As leading spring manufacturers in the ever-evolving engineering industry, we are always looking for ways to improve our processes to provide the latest and greatest service for our customers. Industry changes occur rather regularly, especially with the ongoing digitisation, so it may seem overwhelming to those entering the field and joining a smart factory if you don’t know what to expect.

So, we’re taking a look behind the curtain of manufacturing and delving into some of the things you may find inside a smart factory. We’ll be looking into some of the high-tech hardware as well as the innovative software that has been developed over the years to help you get a better indication of the machinery and equipment you will be dealing with in this environment.

What Are Smart Factories?

A smart factory is a cyber-physical work environment where machinery and equipment are linked through an interconnected network of computers. Smart factories are indeed smart and have the best technology available and the highest advancements in AI, robotics, and incredibly intelligent hardware and software to enable their devices to talk to each other seamlessly. This technology allows humans to take a step back and let their machinery take over by transforming and streamlining processes to create a more efficient and productive workplace.

Smart factories are just one small part of Industry 4.0, which we have seen taking over the manufacturing and engineering sectors.

What Is Industry 4.0?

Industry 4.0 is the latest industrial revolution, in which digital transformations are plenty. The goal set by the industry was to improve digital manufacturing, such as:

  • Automation increases
  • Interconnecting digital and physical processes
  • Increasing productivity and efficiency
  • An increase in the use of smart devices
  • And, of course, an increase in smart factories

These are just a few examples of the goals of the industry. Still, many processes have been implemented to ensure these objectives are met, and we see many improvements throughout the manufacturing and engineering sectors.

Here at European Springs, we produce a long list of custom springs and bespoke pressings, and these digital transformations help us to improve the systems that allow us to create these specific items for our customers.

smart factory

So, What’s Inside a Smart Factory?

With so many digital improvements taking place all the time, it can be difficult to keep up with equipment changes and software updates. So, to help you better understand what to expect inside a smart factory and learn more about the technology included as part of Industry 4.0, we have compiled a list of some of the tech and equipment the industry uses today.


Robotics helped tackle the Covid-19 outbreak, but even since then, they have come a long way. Now, robotics is standard machinery in smart factories, helping to make up the extensive range of equipment under the roof of these working establishments.

These robots are programmed with the latest software, enabling human-robot collaboration to take place before they are set up to automate processes once completed by human workers.

3D Printers

3D printers are used in smart factories to create high-quality prototypes of items that these factories produce. For example, as custom spring manufacturers, we could use this machinery to print a prototype of a bespoke spring for our clients. This allows us to showcase what we could produce for them, meaning we could alter parts, change sizes, and make other amendments freely without wasting materials.

CNC Machinery

CNC machinery, also known as computer numerical control machinery, can be found in almost all smart factories today. This software can be used to programme machines and hardware in smart factories, allowing efficient production without the need for constant human interaction.



5G eliminates the need for wired devices, meaning smart factories can remove almost all of their wiring and depend solely on a 5G network to run their systems. This comes with both advantages and drawbacks, the latter being connectivity issues, a halted production line if the network fails, and increased cybersecurity threats. However, the benefits often outweigh these risks; with impressive speeds and increased flexibility, more factory owners are implementing 5G into their businesses than ever before.


We are seeing a lot of AI in the news right now, with this technology making its mark on the art industry, but it has been a staple in smart factories within the manufacturing sector for some time now. One example of AI used in smart factories is replicating objects that a factory may produce for customers. This allows for initial visual analysis tests to be conducted digitally, which saves money, time, and materials that would have been lost should they have conducted physical tests first.

Big Data

Big data is used in many aspects of manufacturing found within a smart factory. It is used to review large amounts of historical loads or alter major orders, both of which we could use here at European Springs. For example, if a customer approached us and asked to repeat an order they made with us several years ago, we could use big data to replicate their exact specifications and provide them with the same items. Additionally, suppose a customer wanted to make changes to a major order. In that case, big data could help us alter this quickly and seamlessly without affecting the rest of the production.

Here at European Springs, we are always excited by new technological advancements and industry improvements that allow us to streamline our services and offer our customers the very best. To keep up to date with the latest industry news, please check our blog for new posts.

Engineer looking at a tablet in a factory

The manufacturing industry is a vast sector with a range of paths to explore. Therefore, when you enter the field, it’s understandable that you may be overwhelmed by the choice of which route to go down without knowing too much about what each one entails. Because of this, it’s crucial that you thoroughly research your chosen career path to avoid disappointment and regrets over your choice further down the line.

So, to help you out, we’re looking into the career path of a manufacturing engineer. We have detailed the best ways to kickstart your fruitful career as well as what to expect in terms of progression once you have gained the necessary experience in your chosen area. So, read on to learn more and understand how European Springs can assist you in reaching your career goals.

Why Should You Consider a Career as a Manufacturing Engineer?

As industry-leading spring manufacturers, we may be biased when we say that manufacturing is a fantastic career choice that you will no doubt find your feet in quickly. Here are a few reasons why:

  • You will be helping close the skills gap. The manufacturing industry has faced a long list of difficulties, especially in recent years during the early effects of Brexit and, of course, the pandemic. This led to a significant skills gap, which you can help close when you join the workforce.
  • Fascinating, ever-changing career. Due to the constant improvements and advancements of technology, you will find that your work changes drastically over the years as the industry becomes more and more digitised.
  • Your work will always be needed. The world will always need manufacturing engineers, the brains behind the technology, product testers, mechanics, and more. As you become more skilled in your chosen area, your work will be even more appreciated and sought-after by employees.
  • Competitive pay. Because of the skills and experience required to be a successful manufacturing engineer, you can expect a competitive salary from many employers in the industry.

Young manufacturing apprentice and his trainer

How to Get Started as a Manufacturing Engineer

If you are considering a career as a manufacturing engineer, one of the best ways to get into the industry is through apprenticeships. This is because they provide you with a range of skills that help set you up for a successful working life. You will learn through a variety of disciplines, such as:

  • Shadowing
  • Supervised work
  • Studying
  • Assessments

Each area is designed to help you learn, gain valuable knowledge, and get hands-on experience practising what will become your profession after necessary evaluations from senior members of staff. What’s more is that as part of an engineering apprenticeship, you earn while you learn, allowing you to bring in a wage unlike other paths such as university or placements.

The Importance of Experience

Experience is incredibly valuable in almost all industries, but especially so within the manufacturing and engineering sectors. Even if you’re apprehensive about whether it’s right for you, you will regret it in years come when employees are askingwhen employees ask about your experience, and you have little to show. This is because much of the work completed within these fields requires highly technical skills and specialised knowledge that often takes years to obtain. If you’ve decided this is the path for you, then the best thing you can do is start now.

Choosing the Best Career Path for You

You have so much to choose from when selecting your area of expertise. An extensive list of job types is available, allowing you to pick something you enjoy and are good at. For example:

  • Equipment designers
  • Repairs and breakdown staff
  • Equipment installation
  • Efficiency researchers
  • Production line workers

Young female spring manufacturer checking machine

Although all under the umbrella of manufacturing engineers, each job role listed will have entirely different working days and require various skills. For example, our custom springs designers will need to work closely with our clients to discuss their needs and have a high knowledge of spring practices and technical design to produce the best results. This differs entirely from our repairs and breakdown staff, who will need strong practical skills and a high knowledge of our machinery to quickly tend to broken parts and get the production line up and running again.

Progression as a Manufacturing Engineer

Once you are comfortable with your chosen path, there will be plenty of progression opportunities. For example, you can specialise in a chosen area, focusing solely on one part of manufacturing and engineering, allowing you to develop your technical or practical skills where you work best.

Another route to progress to is training and mentoring. You can give back to the industry and assist young engineers in kickstarting their careers as apprentices, providing shadowing opportunities, delivering lectors and talks, and assessing their progress.

Finally, you could join the research and development side of manufacturing and engineering, helping the industry progress as a whole. This could include finding digitising opportunities, testing new production methods, and discovering ways to improve productivity, supply chain issues, and more.

How Can European Springs Help You Reach Your Career Goals?

Here at European Springs, we are dedicated to helping those starting their career as manufacturing engineers reach their goals. We have an incredible apprentice scheme and take on new starters every year, giving them a chance to earn while they learn and find their feet in the industry.

Many of our apprentices stay with us and progress in their careers, taking on full-time positions at European Springs and helping develop our company for the better.

We also have fantastic job opportunities for established engineers looking for a change in direction. Please get in touch today to discuss your options and join an industry that will look after you throughout your career.

Close-up image of a compression spring

Here at European Springs, we have over seven decades of experience designing, manufacturing, and implementing our springs in various sectors. As a result, we produce an impressive stock catalogue of springs and are familiar with every type, including the unlimited scope of custom and bespoke springs. This enables us to work closely with all industries, providing our expertise and high-quality products to the masses.

However, this world may seem complicated and somewhat daunting for those not in the spring manufacturing industry. So to shed some light on the importance of the sector, we’re exploring everything you need to know about springs in physics. We’re taking it back to basics by exploring the definition of a spring, the history of its design, the importance of spring durability, and so much more. Read on to learn about the fascinating past of springs and how we at European Springs use this knowledge to assist us in manufacturing high-quality, durable products for a wide range of industries.

What Are Springs?

Before we delve into the physics behind spring design, let’s take a look into what a spring actually is. There are many different wordings of the definition of a spring. Essentially, a spring is a flexible object that can store and exert force and mechanical energy simultaneously when subjected to force. While doing so, it deforms in shape before returning to its original form when the force has been removed.

Springs come in an extensive range of forms, including:

Compression spring machines

Each of these spring types provides the user with a list of benefits and capabilities suited to a different use. As a result, the use of springs is almost endless. They can be found in practically every industry, from farming and agricultural machinery to the medical sector and everything in between.

How Were Springs Invented?

Springs have been in use throughout human history, with some of the first recorded examples in use within the bow and arrow. From there, developments occurred globally, with the spring going from strength to strength and incorporating itself into a range of objects, such as tweezers.

It wasn’t until the late 15th century that the first coiled spring was documented. This documentation of use included springs in door locks and spring-powered clocks. The latter led to the implementation of springs within watch design, a manufacturing practice still in use today.

However, it was Robert Hooke who propelled the use of springs in 1676 with Hooke’s Law.

All About Hooke’s Law

In 1676, English scientist, mathematician and architect Robert Hooke made a discovery that would forever change springs in physics. In simple terms, his idea was that the more a spring is deformed, the more force is needed to further deform it. He noticed this when looking into the stress vs strain curve and how for many materials, they have a linear region.

When stretching a metal spring, the force required to deform it is directly proportional to the spring’s extension. In algebraic terms, this is written:

F = -kX

F is force, k is spring constant, and x is the deformation or extension length.

Of course, like with every rule, there are exceptions. For example, if a spring is stretched too far, it will not conform to Hooke’s Law, and when this happens, the measurements are taken, and this length is considered the elastic limit.

Hooke's law diagram

The Spring Constant

To further understand the importance of Hooke’s Law, let’s dive into the k within the formula, otherwise known as the spring constant.

This part of the equation refers to the exact force needed to deform a spring. For example, if you want a stronger spring, the spring constant must be high; the lower it is, the weaker the spring.

Various factors come into determining the spring factors, such as:

  • The diameter of the wire and the coil
  • The material used to manufacture the spring
  • The length of the spring when relaxed
  • The number of coils

Once you have determined this, you can work out what needs to be done to achieve your ideal spring constant for the usage of your spring.

Where Does Spring Physics Come Into Spring Design and Manufacture

As leading spring manufacturers, we understand that physics plays a significant part in the design and manufacturing of springs. Understanding Hooke’s Law, the spring constant, and the other physical elements of a spring allow you to customise a spring to your exact specifications, which is precisely what we do here at European Springs.

It’s essential for our designers and manufacturers to know how a spring will behave in different circumstances. For example, durability is crucial for many of our clients who need their springs to handle a significant amount of force. We know that in order to strengthen a spring, thus making it more durable, we need to increase the spring constant.

pile of springs with black background

A lot of the time, these things can’t be estimated and instead require precise numbers in order to get the desired result. Our experienced and knowledgeable engineers have been specially trained to ensure that the best results are achieved for every single spring designed and manufactured here at European Springs.

We are proud to produce an extensive range of specialised springs with this knowledge and can provide bespoke springs to your exact specifications considering the physics detailed above.

Mechanical springs are present in every area of our lives, and it is easy to take these practical components for granted. A humble spring may seem simple, but manufacturing high-quality springs involves implementing a surprising number of complicated processes.

spring manufacturing

What Is Spring Winding?

The first step, spring winding, is the generalised term used to cover the many different ways springs are physically manufactured. This name is related to the winding nature of most spring designs but with slight changes for each type.

Spring wire is fed into one of our advanced CNC (computer numerical control) machines, which will be straightened into a default, flat shape before being manipulated into the desired result.

Coiling Machines

Spring coilers will feed the wire into rollers that draw it through guides that culminate in a coiling point. The wire is coiled backward at this point to form the intended spring shape. This is used to create many custom spring designs, such as tension, torsion and compression springs.

Forming Machines

We use forming machines to create tension, torsion springs and varied wire forms. A spring-forming CNC machine will have six to eight tooling slides on the face which help it perform several bends and hoops in addition to the standard spring coil. As a result, this machine has more adaptability than a coiling machine.

Bending Machines

Computers control our CNC bending machines as they use a variety of uniquely placed rollers. These rollers will form the inserted flat wire into bespoke wire form designs. Then, rollers moving tool heads, and guides push and pull the metal into the final design. This machine is usually chosen for high-quality wire forms but can be used for bespoke spring designs.

various size compression springs

Heat Treating Springs

The second step, heat treatment, is a beneficial process that helps improve the quality of the material of the spring. The heated processes will modify the crystalline structure of the metal alloys through repeated heating and cooling. This will be conducted at different intensities and durations, with the effect on the material being:

  • Increase durability
  • Higher temperature resistance
  • Increased ductility

Spring manufacturers provide this service as part of the metal fabrication process because it has dramatically improved physical properties without altering the dimensions. Common heat treatments are hardening, annealing, quenching and tempering.


Metal hardening is where the alloys are heated above the critical temperature for the material and then cooled again rapidly. There are various ways of quickly cooling the materials, including the quenching process. Few metals are only hardened; most will have additional treatments such as tempering or stress relieving to improve their workability and toughness.


This cooling process has a significant effect on metals. Quenching can be done minimally with air cooling or dramatically with water or oil. The rapid cooling of quenching essentially freezes the microstructure of the metal and creates stress. This unintended side-effect can be fixed with tempering.


The cooling process puts metal under strain, but that can be relieved with tempering. Tempering further develops the material’s properties and balances them out after the hardening and quenching process. The specifics will vary depending on the desired result and the material.

Generally, tempering involves reheating the cooled metal at a relatively low temperature. The material’s microstructure creates chemical precipitation and spheroidzation of the internal elements. Spheroidzation is particularly relevant to compression springs as it assists with rolling the coils.


This process aims to increase ductility, specifically, making the material more malleable without fracturing. This reduced hardness is because the annealing process reduces the dislocations inside the metal’s crystalline structure.

Dislocations are defects inherent within metals. These irregularities strongly influence the properties of the metal, with an excess number increasing the metal’s corrosion susceptibility. Therefore, annealing is usually performed on materials that have been cold-worked or hardening to prevent the metal from becoming brittle.

pile of springs

Coating and Finishing

The final phase of spring manufacturing involves applying coating, plating or other finishing processes. If heat treatment is about the internal quality of the metal, then this stage addresses the external surface.

Spring manufacturers ensure their springs have the most extended longevity by applying effective coatings that prevent corrosion and improve visual aesthetics.

Shot Peening

Shot peening is where the finished springs are attacked with spherical shots. This effect applies compression stress, which can be seen as compression dimples on the surface. In addition, shot peening strengthens the material against fatigue, corrosion and cracking.


A thin layer of metal is applied to the surface of the spring during an electroplating process – a mixture of chemicals and electrical currents attach the plating to the metal. This process improves corrosion resistance as a fresh layer protects the spring below. Plating is also used to improve a spring’s aesthetics or electrical conductivity.


European Springs has a long history of manufacturing the highest quality springs for companies globally. Leaving handmade manufacturing behind, we use advanced CNC machines to produce large batches of bespoke springs, usually using the many varied steps outlined above.


Industry 4.0, also known as the fourth industrial revolution, represents a remarkable technological shift in the way manufacturing companies operate.

The term covers a broad collection of new operational methods and systems connected to digital systems or those entirely online. This digital industrial revolution is set to change many elements of manufacturing for the better, improving productivity, control and costs sector industry wide.

Someone pointing at the words Industry 4.0

What Is a Digital Industrial Revolution

There have been many industrial revolutions, each creating permanent change in the manufacturing industry. Starting with the first industrial revolution, steam power and mechanisation were introduced. This replaced hand labour and significantly increased a manufacturer’s productivity.

The second revolution involved replacing steam power with electricity. This encouraged a more global industry that could accommodate vastly larger production lines and more cost-effective creation of components. The third revolution is one we’ve been enjoying for many years. Computerised numerical control (CNC) machinery and robotics increased the potential for automation in manufacturing.

The fourth and most recent revolution stands out from the rest because it is a digital industrial revolution. Whereas the previous ones primarily involved developing machinery or computers, this one improves those with cloud-based analytics and AI.

The Goal of Industry 4.0

The first industrial revolution evolved from a German initiative (Industrie 4.0) into a worldwide term for digital improvement across manufacturing. Comprised of many smaller parts, the term covers many changing processes depending on the company, but some aspects are universal.

Interconnected devices joined through a cyber network

Here are some of the main goals of Industry 4.0:

  • Increased automation
  • Interconnectivity between physical and digital manufacturing (Industrial IoT)
  • More closed-loop data systems
  • Increase productivity and efficiency
  • Increase in the use of smart products instead of a central control system
  • More customisation and personalisation of products

Many of these goals are focused on automation through digitising processes to make manufacturing systems more efficient and run smoothly.

What Are the Elements of Industry 4.0?

Many new components exist within Industry 4.0, which collaborate to create a robust set of manufacturing tools.

Using Cyber-Physical Systems

This is one of the goals mentioned above of Industry 4.0 and aims to combine the use of physical and digital systems. So, for example, computer systems could be set up to monitor the progress of biological processes, such as custom springs production. It could alert those that need to be altered if anything is wrong, such as the dimensions.

Smart Factory

Industry 4.0 will see the implementation of smart factories in manufacturing companies worldwide. A smart factory is an automated cyber-physical system that uses innovative technology to learn and develop as it works.

The Internet of Things

The Internet of Things is another cyber-physical system that communicates with machinery and operates equipment while simultaneously allowing humans to be proactive and work. It works through a network of connected devices that exchange data with each other to improve communications and productivity in the workplace.

The internet of things visual imagery. Interconnected buildings joined by a cyber network

The Internet of Services

This process is linked to the Internet of Things. Still, instead of focusing on the communication aspect, it focuses on the cyber-physical connections and the best ways of integrating these systems seamlessly for an efficient and productive workplace.

The Benefits of Industry 4.0 for Manufacturing Companies

A new industrial revolution will always bring many benefits to manufacturing companies. Let’s take a look at some of the benefits of Industry 4.0 for those in the sector:

  • Less machine downtime. As fewer physical machines are used, there will be much less downtime. When devices are out of action, processes can come to a halt, which seriously impacts productivity. As spring manufacturers ourselves, we understand the importance of the smooth runnings of machinery
  • Increased knowledge of digitisation. In this digitally evolving world, an understanding of digital practices is essential. Industry 4.0 allows manufacturers to learn on the job and practice their digital skills.
  • Better supply chain management. Industry 4.0 allows better supply chain management by improving communications between every stage of the supply process.

Are There Any Downsides to Industry 4.0?

Of course, as with any change to the manufacturing sector, there are downsides as well as overwhelming positive factors. Let’s take a look:

  • It increases cybersecurity risks. When moving onto Industry 4.0, digitisation increases, so it’s essential to ensure your cybersecurity systems are set up and prepared for the changes to protect your business.
  • Digital inequality. An increase in digitisation will require more money and time put into preparation to guarantee that the transition is smooth. Unfortunately, some companies do not have the facilities for this, creating some industry inequality.

Despite the drawbacks, here at European Springs, we are always ready to embrace change and excited about these changes to the manufacturing industry. Keep up to date with industry news by heading to our blog, and feel free to contact us, as expert bespoke spring manufacturers, for enquires or anything else you believe we could help with.

The term spring creates, for most people, the image of a classic helical compression spring, but this is not always the case. There are many designs for wire form springs, including torsion and tension, but flat spring pressing designs are also widely used in many applications.

springs and pressings

What Are Flat Springs?

The first thing to note is that flat springs do not look like conventional springs. This is the most significant difference between the flat and wire form helical springs, primarily from coiled wire; the flat springs are made as flat metal strips. Classifying these pieces as springs may seem incorrect due to how different they appear. They will often look like metal pressings with no flexibility, but this rigidity is key to creating the required energy storage needed to be classed as a spring.

Metal flat spring pressings are formed into flat strips of metal that can store and release energy when compressed, stretched or bent. Once the restraining force is removed, the stored energy is released. These small components are often installed in locations requiring control deflection in restricted spaces. This usually leads to these pressings being added to more extensive mounting assemblies.

When to choose a Flat Spring or Wire Spring

spring manufacture

Wire springs have a similar role to flat springs. They both operate with stored energy that builds when a load is presented. The advantage of choosing flat springs over coiled ones is that they can work in much tighter spaces and withstand more significant stresses without permanent damage.

Coiled wire springs are a principal component that fulfils many functions, but sometimes your application will require something more unusual, a flat spring pressing. Experienced spring suppliers such as ourselves are capable of manufacturing the highest quality wire forms and flat spring pressings to suit the specific needs of our clients.

There are many considerations when deciding on the best components for your application.

Where Would You Use Flat Springs?

flat springs

Spring suppliers will manufacture flat spring pressings for a large number of applications. This will include many specific operations, such as the minor contact points within electrical circuits or installed as clips to hold mouldings for cars.

The average person can find spring clips inside picture frames as shelf edge clips or U clips in their home. Manufacturers have created flat spring pressings for cantilever springs which are flat springs supported at one end and holding a load at the other. Additionally, Belleville washers (the coned-disc spring) are flat spring pressing that supply increased flexibility to a bearing or bolted joint.

Constant-force springs

Constant-force springs are classed as flat spring pressing. This design coils around a drum (or themselves) at a constant radius. When this spring is deflected, the stress within the spring will resist the presented loading force, similar to how an extension spring operates. However, the unique factor of a constant-force spring is that they provide a consistent torque regardless of the extension length. Therefore, these springs can be found in applications with a constant load, such as cable retractors, door closers and gym equipment.

Leaf flat springs

Leaf flat springs are also used within the automotive industry for commercial vehicles. These flat springs are added to the vehicle’s suspension system to help support the entire weight, and they can also assist with regulating the wheelbase lengths when changing speed. As experienced flat leaf spring manufacturers, we manufacture flat spring pressings to suit a broad range of specifications and offer bespoke options that will suit any application.

Manufacturing Flat Springs

making flat springs

At European Springs, we staff skilled engineers with significant expertise in manufacturing wire forms and flat spring pressings. We understand that special consideration is required, especially when creating bespoke designs of flat springs. The versatility of flat springs needs to be considered, including deciding the material thickness, bend radius and spring geometry, all of which are dictated by the eventual application they will be used for.

Many materials are available to choose from when manufacturing your pressings:

  • Aluminium
  • Beryllium
  • Nickel-based alloys
  • Copper
  • Carbon and stainless steel

These are all viable materials to choose from and are essential for creating an effective flat spring pressing, but ensuring your selecting the suitable material will depend on your application. Many carbon and stainless steels require additional treatment, such as hardening and tempering, to ensure they have sufficient strength and corrosion resistance for outdoor applications.

Our production process can be conducted either manually or automatically with our range of high-end CNC machines. You can commission one-off, hand-crafted flat springs for your custom design from us, or we can manufacture large batches of complex spring pressings to suit your needs.

Flat Spring Pressings From European Springs

At European Springs, we are a leading manufacturer of flat spring pressings in the UK. With decades of experience, our engineers can assist you every step of the way, from our custom design service to prototyping your idea and, eventually, total production. Browse our entire stock collection inside our spring catalogue, or contact us today to discuss how our flat spring service can assist your next application.


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