As a leading spring manufacturer, here at European Springs, we know what customers should be looking for when they need custom springs made to their exact specifications. However, perhaps you’re new to the world of spring manufacturers, you know you need some springs, but you don’t know how to differentiate between different manufacturers to make sure you’re getting the best springs for your needs.

To help you make that all-important decision, here’s what you need to be looking for when looking for that perfect spring manufacturer:


Wide Range of Metals

You don’t want a spring manufacturer that has a limited variety of metals that they can craft into springs for you. Different metals have different purposes and advantages, depending on their application. Some metals are more malleable than others; some metals are more suited to more tightly coiled springs whereas other metals lend themselves to looser springs with more elasticity. You need a manufacturer that can work with a wide variety of metals, so they don’t just provide you with the right kind of spring design, but that the spring itself is made from the most effective metal for its purpose.

Here at European Springs, we work with a wide range of metals including steels, copper, titanium alloys and even super alloys like Inconel, Hastelloy and Nimonic.

Variety of Spring Designs

Springs come in all sorts of styles and varieties, including custom made springs designed exclusively for your needs. Different kinds of springs have different purposes. For example, you will find compression springs inside pens, switches and automotive suspensions, whereas extension springs are often found on garage door hinges and trampolines.

So when choosing your spring manufacturer, make sure they have the ability to design and manufacturer a wide variety of springs so you can get the most suitable spring design for your needs. At European Springs, we manufacturer the most extensive spring range in the UK including compression springs, torsion springs, tension springs and wire forms. We can also tailor the length, force, movement, damping, connectors, colour and finish of any spring to your exact requirements.

Quality Products

Aside from the design and the metal your springs are manufactured from, they should also be top quality products that are going to last. You don’t want springs that are going to give out and need frequent replacement, so make sure your spring manufacturer produces only the best in spring technology. Our facilities include the latest range of large-scale, high-end spring coiling machines and presses, ensuring we can craft high-quality springs every time.

Cutting-Edge Equipment

To stay on top of the spring manufacturing industry, a company needs to invest in top-quality equipment. As designs become more sophisticated, so do the machines that make the springs and they need to be updated so they can cope with the rising demand. That’s why at European Springs, we invest in the very latest machinery and technology.

We have two factories in Cornwall and one in Kent with a manufacturing capacity of over 7000sqm. Our facilities include the latest in high-end machines and presses, and we stock over 2000 tonnes of material and hold the largest supply of silicon chrome wire in the UK. For large orders of pressings and stampings, we use Mabu Zani and SMV, which are among some of the most advanced pieces of equipment in the industry.


Accreditations are essential for manufactures and engineers. They give the customer assurance of the quality of the service and products they are receiving from a company. So familiarise yourself with some common accreditations in engineering and manufacturing so that you can see if your spring manufacturer is the real deal.

At European Springs, we hold ISO 9001, the International Standard for Quality Management Systems, ISO 14001, Environmental Management, as well as being members of the Institute of Spring Technology. So you can be assured in the high-quality springs that we can produce for your needs.

Professionalism and Experience

Don’t settle for amateurs when looking for a spring manufacturer. To guarantee you will get the high-quality you’re after, the best thing you can do is opt for a long-established company with many years of experience and an excellent reputation. Check online for reviews and read about the history of the company to see how long they’ve been operating.

We have a 70-year heritage, and with all these decades of experience, we continually invest in the absolute best in spring technology so we can design, quote, manufacture and dispatch your products in just three weeks.


It’s all well and good having a spring manufacturer that can provide you with what you need, but it’s even better to have that from a company that also puts customer service at the forefront of everything they do. By opting for a customer-centric spring manufacturer, you are guaranteed that they can provide you quality products, whilst also keeping you informed every step of the way.

At European Springs, we are continually adapting to meet the ever-changing requirements of customers. Our high levels of technical experience and innovative solutions and professionalism allows us to provide the highest standards of dedicated service at unbeatable prices.

When looking for a spring manufacturer, don’t settle for anything less than the best. As professional spring manufacturers, European Springs know what it means to be at the top of the game. For all your spring requirements, including bespoke designs and custom springs from a comprehensive range of materials, we can offer you a complete service from prototypes to full production. Contact us today to find out more about how we can help your business.

Some businesses within the manufacturing industry did take a hit during the Coronavirus pandemic, but as more businesses return to work and adapt to the new normal, there is optimism around the sector.

Taking a closer look at how manufacturing is making a comeback, we discuss some of the key areas that businesses within the sector must focus on to ensure they are capable of getting to pre-pandemic levels.

Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0 has been the buzzword in the manufacturing sector for a few years now, and there is good reason for this. The fourth industrial revolution has seen the introduction of smart factories, which use connected machines and intelligent robots alongside more traditional manufacturing technology – all of this married up creates a seamless smart factory that is capable of running almost autonomously.

All of these systems are fuelled by data and machine learning, so they are capable of improving overall efficiency over time, and this is especially important in times like these.

The current digital revolution has showed no signs of slowing down, even with the issues faced by firms around the world following COVID-19, so Industry 4.0 is only set to grow even further over the coming months.

Businesses that have already extensively invested in Industry 4.0 technologies have reaped the benefits of this technology already, as they have been able to let machines do most of the heavy lifting during and after lockdown, allowing human employees to focus their efforts and attention elsewhere.


Focus Placed On ‘Best Of British’

Over the past few months, there has been a real focus on buying local, and there is a strong belief that this may well filter through to companies utilising British-based companies more prominently. Many manufacturers are being quick to jump on this trend and are placing heavy emphasis on the fact they’re a British company, producing British products, and are generally receiving a positive reception from clients.

If there is a real push for the Best of British over the next few years, this will inevitably see the manufacturing industry recover and thrive.

Adjusting Processes

With social distancing measures in force for the foreseeable future, there’s been a requirement for almost all businesses to adjust their processes in one way or another. The manufacturing industry has managed to navigate this potentially tricky roadblock with relative ease, by simply allowing their modern technologies to take the driving seat with most of the work.

Employees have been either redeployed, or had their roles tweaked ever so slightly, to ensure the smooth running and operation of their in house technologies. There has also been significantly more focus on adapting to the ‘new normal’ from all employees, who are constantly looking for more efficient and socially distanced ways of working.

Whilst adjusting processes has always been a primary focus for all those who work in manufacturing, in order to achieve the best outcome for clients, the added focus that has been placed on this can only be a good thing for the industry moving forward. The resilience the industry has shown and the willingness to adapt and enact change following the pandemic surely means that the industry will only come out of this period better prepared for events like this in the future.

Investment in The Latest Technologies

Businesses that have focused on continually investing in the latest technology within their field have managed to continue thriving through these uncertain times, thanks to little to no dip in productivity levels despite working with reduced staff numbers.

As one of the UK’s leading spring manufacturers, we have placed a lot of emphasis on investing in the latest technology to ensure our processes are as slick as possible. Through continual investment in our technology we have increased our output and overall efficiency, and this has helped us to navigate the coronavirus pandemic with relative ease.

We could operate with a skeleton staff and allow our modern spring coiling machines to do the heavy lifting with little intervention from our employees. This simply wouldn’t have been possible without the equipment that we have invested in, so we cannot overstate just how important having the very latest technologies available to your business is!

Bennett Aqua Grinder 1200 (1)

Whilst it is fair to say that the manufacturing industry has dipped over the last three months, since lockdown measures have been eased there have been encouraging signs for a revival. The coming months will show just how well the industry has adapted to the ‘new normal’ but early signs do look promising; at European Springs & Pressings we will continue to adapt our work in line with government guidance, and strive to do so without having an adverse effect on our customers.

Be sure to regularly check in on our blog for the very latest news coming out of the manufacturing industry, and more reaction and updates on how the sector is dealing with the fallout from the Coronavirus pandemic.

With many manufacturing businesses continuing to work throughout the Coronavirus pandemic, it’s fair to say that some of the equipment your business uses on a regular basis will be in need of some TLC. Focus has been placed predominantly on ensuring that orders are met, and this has meant that for many manufacturers, the regular equipment maintenance schedule they once had in place has been put on hold.

Here, we take a look at some of the benefits of focusing on equipment maintenance right now, whilst also giving you some insight into some of the steps you need to take to ensure you’re giving your equipment the right level of attention.


Benefits Of Carrying Out Equipment Maintenance Now

There are a number of benefits to carrying out equipment maintenance right now, from guaranteeing the safety of your staff to preventing machine breakdown. Here’s just a few of the main positives you can expect to see if you do happen to carry out equipment maintenance in the coming months:

  • It’s no secret that the manufacturing industry has soldiered on throughout the pandemic, but this could well have come at the cost of ensuring that maintenance schedules were adhered to throughout the last 3 months. It’s essential that all of your equipment is properly maintained to ensure the highest levels of efficiency, but even more importantly to guarantee that all of your machines are completely safe for your employees to operate.
  • With social distancing measures set to be in place for the foreseeable future, now is the ideal time to redeploy some of your staff to focus on maintenance for all of the equipment in your workplace. This enables your company to maintain social distancing with all employees, whilst also having the added benefit of ensuring that all of your equipment is fit for purpose.
  • If you take the time to ensure your main production line equipment is in fully working order, you can stand to save yourself the headache of dealing with equipment downtime if it does happen to break.

Focus On Preventative Maintenance

One of the first things you should consider doing when your full workforce is back in, is focusing predominantly on preventative maintenance for all of your equipment. This essentially means that you should assign some of your staff to give each piece of equipment a full check over, and ask them to keep an eye on any issues that could well crop up in the near future. This might be seeing general signs of wear and tear from a potentially older piece of equipment, or simply finding that your machines are simply not as efficient as they once were.

Once your staff have identified any problem equipment in your factory, it’s essential that you get experts in to fix any issues with your equipment as soon as possible. Taking steps to find issues and fix them ahead of a machine fully breaking down or becoming completely inefficient is essential at any time, but is especially important in the current situation as extended waiting times can be expected for most equipment in the manufacturing market.

Schedule Regular Maintenance Check Ups

If the pandemic has thrown your regular maintenance schedule into disarray, don’t worry! It’s fair to say that Covid-19 has thrown all businesses off their regular working schedule, so things like maintenance check ups have been put on hold at the moment. However, it’s essential that your business does take the time to implement a new servicing schedule to ensure that none of your equipment is faulty or in need of repairs.

Once you have a schedule in place, it’s essential that you assign an expert to regularly and consistently checking up on the overall health of your equipment throughout your facility. These check ups could well highlight some issues with your equipment that do need attention in the near future – and this could stand to save you a significant sum of money over time.

Maintenance Check Up

Don’t Be Afraid To Replace

If you do happen to find that one of your main pieces of equipment is in need of replacing, it’s important to remember that even if you have done your utmost to maintain it throughout its lifetime, machines will eventually break down. Whilst it’s not ideal, especially with current circumstances, it’s best to act quickly and place an order for a new piece of equipment as soon as you notice any issues that cannot be rectified.

Acting quickly is essential in this case, as any downtime could cost your business a significant amount of money, especially with many manufacturers finding themselves extremely busy with most businesses heading back to work in recent weeks. Always be sure to speak about just how long it will take for your new piece of equipment to be manufactured and delivered with suppliers, as lead times could be longer for some businesses than others!

As one of the nation’s leading spring manufacturers, we take great pride in ensuring that we consistently update and maintain our equipment on a regular basis. Just last year we invested heavily in a whole host of new spring manufacturing equipment across our three sites, and it’s fair to say that the increased productivity and efficiency those machines have brought to the company are well worth the initial investment!

As a large proportion of the nation’s workforce heads back to their workplace, there are some businesses that have managed to hit the ground running, whilst others have struggled to find their feet. Whilst a lot of the issues faced by some businesses is down to the industry they operate within; other businesses have managed to thrive during this period due to forward planning and investing in the latest technology available.

Here, we take a look at how innovation has helped businesses get back to work, placing particular focus on how automation has held the key to many manufacturing and engineering business’ success.


Benefits Of Automated Technology In Covid-19

Automated technology and other forms of innovations relating to the Internet of Things have catapulted manufacturing and engineering firms productivity levels in recent years, and this has showed little signs of slowing down despite the wide-spread effect of Covid-19 across the world.

Businesses that already have some automated technology installed into their current processes have found they have been able to continue operating at close to normal levels throughout the pandemic. This has meant that productivity levels haven’t been affected, and therefore there will be no backlog of orders as many other businesses come back to work in the coming weeks.

Some of the main benefits that automated technologies can bring to your business are:

  • Uninterrupted productivity all year round
  • Consistently more accurate part production and output
  • Significantly lowered operating costs
  • Improved worker safety
  • Easy integration with existing processes and machines
  • Better future planning
  • Easily identify any inefficiencies in your current process
  • Vastly reduced environmental footprint

At European Springs & Pressings, we have been operating at close to normal levels throughout the pandemic, as we have been extremely busy providing a whole host of vital components for respirators. This work wouldn’t have been possible without our continual investment in the latest and greatest technologies available in the springs and pressing world.

All of our investments have helped our team to continue working at close to optimum levels, whilst also maintaining social distancing measures at all times. With up-to-date and autonomous machines operating continually throughout the day, our staff have no need to come into close contact with each other with the current measures put in place by the government.

There is a similar theme for other businesses who have extensively invested in autonomous technology for their workforce, as this technology is meant to compliment employee skillsets and strengths, as it takes the pressure off staff to conduct some of the more mundane tasks that can be completed by a machine significantly quicker and more accurately.

Manufacturing Processes

Why Now Is The Right Time To Invest In New Projects

Now that you have some insight into how innovation has helped many businesses across the UK get back to work during the pandemic, you may be wondering if now is the right time for your business to begin investing in new projects to futureproof your company. Whilst it certainly can feel counterintuitive to begin investing in a new project right after getting back to work, there actually couldn’t be a better time to begin your innovation journey.

Here’s just a few reasons that now could well be the perfect time for you to invest in a new project:

  • Many of your competitors will be in a similar position to your company, as they are trying to find their feet following the pandemic, so if you’re able to get a head start on innovating within your business, you could reap the rewards in the future.
  • Several companies that produce the necessary components for innovative products will be looking for business, and with many companies not in a position to invest in new technology, they may be struggling to get much interest at this stage. This is a perfect opportunity for your business to come in and potentially negotiate a good deal on the implementation of new innovative technologies, as the provider will be desperate to get orders in.
  • Rather than waiting months, or even years, to have your new project started on, you could see your new technologies installed within a matter of weeks during current circumstances. With a small number of orders likely placed, companies will be keen to get their products installed within your premises as soon as possible to show other interested parties they’re still open for business.

If you do require any further assistance when thinking about investing in new projects, then please feel free to get in touch with us to see how we could help you. As custom spring manufacturers with over 70 years of experience, we are capable of providing you with the right springs and pressings for your next project. Contact us today to begin discussing your vision for the next few years, and see how the team at European Springs & Pressings can help you with your next project.

It’s fair to say the last few months have brought up some negative stories around the industry due to the Covid-19 situation; however, in the last month there have been some fantastic, positive news stories pouring out of the sector.

Here, we take a look at some of the biggest stories from around the manufacturing and engineering world, whilst offering some of our own insights on each story.


UK Manufacturing Shows Signs Of Recovery Following Covid-19 Pandemic

Recent figures have shown signs that the UK manufacturing industry is showing signs of recovery following some of the worst damage inflicted during the Covid-19 outbreak. A survey from HIS showed that factory output had declined at a significantly slower pace in May than it had in April.

These positive signs came after lockdown measures had been eased slightly during May, which highlights how the industry is ready to get back to work, whilst employing social distancing measures to ensure the safety of all members of staff.

It should be noted that over the course of June, the figures should continue to show more signs of recovery for a larger range of manufacturing businesses, with most non-essential shops and workplaces set to open on the 15th June.

It is vital that each and every company that works within the manufacturing and engineering sector do all that they can to get our industry back up and running, as our products and services could well hold the key to the country’s wider economic recovery in the months and years to come.

To read the full article, why not visit The Guardian’s website?

Manufacturing Process

75% of People Now Believe In The Importance Of UK Manufacturing

New research has emerged that shows that 75% of people now believe more strongly in the importance of UK manufacturing. The research, which was conducted by Cadence Innovation Marketing, involved 2000 adults from around the country.

The most enlightening finding from the report was that 75% of people are now firmly behind the manufacturing sector, mainly down to the way the industry has stepped up to meet the challenge of supporting the nation during the Covid-19 pandemic. The nation has plenty of faith in the industry and believes that it genuinely has the power to help the economy get back up and running over the coming months.

It also found that 76% of people are concerned about cheap imported goods being brought into the UK in the wake of Covid-19, further highlighting just how important it is for UK manufacturers to continue growing their output and creating high-quality products.

As a UK based spring manufacturer, this news is fantastic to hear and we will continue doing our part to ensure the good name of manufacturing in this country continues to go on.

You can read more about the research by visiting The Manufacturer, where you’ll find more insight on other aspects of Cadence Innovation Marketing’s findings.

SpaceX Rocket Launch & Successful Docking With ISS

Spacecraft are a breath-taking feat of modern engineering and manufacturing, and in late May, after a delay of a few days, SpaceX’s craft successfully launched in America. The successful mission marks the first time that NASA astronauts have launched from US soil on a commercially built spacecraft. It was also the first manned launch of a spacecraft for nearly 10 years.

Launching on Saturday 30th May at 3.22pm, SpaceX Crew Dragon docked with the International Space Station around 19 hours after take-off on Sunday morning, in a journey that saw the spacecraft orbit the earth at speeds of up to 17,500mph.

Elon Musk’s SpaceX corporation was founded in 2002, and since then has set about achieving the goal of enabling people to live on other planets in the future. This successful mission will hopefully go some way to achieving this goal in years to come.

You can read more about the journey, and find a few videos of the spacecraft in orbit by visiting The Engineer.


New Electronic Material is Stretchable, Self-Healing and Illuminating

New materials are constantly being developed and tested, and though each of these materials is impressive in its own way, the new material which has recently come out of the NUS Institute for Health and Innovation & Technology definitely caught our eye.

HELIOS (Healable, Low-field Illuminating Optoelectronic Stretchable) is a brand new material that can be used in both wearable technology and robotics. Whilst it pretty much sums up what the material does in its name, the material is completely self-healing, stretchable and electronic – a mixture that will stand it in good stead for future invention we are sure. There’s no doubt in our minds that this type of material is definitely the future of technology, and will likely be used extensively throughout the manufacturing industry.

Whilst we could go on forever about this incredible new material, we will instead point you in the direction of Interesting Engineering’s post on this new innovation.

At European Springs & Pressings, we regularly update our news page with all sorts of insights into the world of manufacturing and engineering, as well as with company updates, so be sure to check in regularly to see our latest take on the goings on in the industry.

With many businesses in the manufacturing and engineering sector heading back to work in recent weeks, there has been some trouble getting back to normal working practices for some. With social distancing measures a requirement within the workplace, it has been challenging for many in the sector to maintain high production standards.

Businesses who had previously invested in robotics and AI technologies prior to the outbreak have found the transition a much smoother process, and in this article, we will explore some of the reasons why. We will also take a closer look at how robotics are already being used within a number of industries around the world to minimise the risk of infections.

Manufacture robot

Robotics Leading The Way In Deep Cleaning Practices

One of the main ways that robotics is helping to tackle the COVID-19 outbreak is by assisting in deep cleaning methods in premises throughout the world. In some areas, it is simply too dangerous for humans to go in and deep clean all areas of a premises, and this is where robots come in.

Danish manufacturer, UVD Robots, has seen a huge spike in the number of machines being ordered across Europe and in China. The company specialises in ultraviolet-light-disinfection robots, which are capable of replacing cleaners in many settings. There is obviously worldwide demand for robots with cleaning capabilities, as they are far more likely to maintain more rigorous cleaning regimes than their human counterparts; all of which is required in a pandemic such as this.

Outside of manufacturing, American retail giant, Walmart, are using robots to scrub their floors instead of humans during the coronavirus outbreak. There is plenty of evidence to suggest that many other industries and companies around the world will adopt similar measures in the coming months to reduce the chances of cleaners coming into contact with harmful bacteria on a daily basis.

With robots now capable of leading the way when it comes to deep cleaning practices, employees can rest assured that each day after they finish their shift, a robot will have effectively cleaned up their workspace by the next morning. This will give all employees peace of mind that they are working in as safe an environment as possible, whilst also giving employers confidence they are continuing to abide by social distancing and cleaning best practices during the coronavirus pandemic.

Concept of a Robot that vacuums digits on the floor. 3D illustration. Isolated. Contains clipping path

Robotics Helping Businesses Prepare For The Future

With social distancing measures set to stay in place for the foreseeable future, with some experts stating they could roll over well into 2021, robotics is set to play a vital role in manufacturers getting back to normal operational levels in the coming months. AI technologies have long been used within the engineering and manufacturing industries, but now is the time to review existing processes and identify opportunities for machines to take on some of the more menial tasks normally carried out by humans in the workplace.

One of the main way’s robotics can help businesses in the short term is by taking on the role of some employees, to aid with social distancing measures in the workplace. If manufacturers are able to ensure that robots successfully carry out repetitive tasks that were once carried out by employees, they can reduce the need for as many employees in the business at any one time. This is a vital step for employers to take, and could help minimise the risk of transmission of coronavirus within the workplace.

It’s also worth noting that manufacturers who already have robotic technologies integrated within their existing business model will have a kickstart when they get back to work. All tasks that were originally carried out by robots can continue to be carried out right away, meaning that no social distancing measures are required to be put into force. Productivity can pick up exactly where it left off for some components, whilst managers focus their attentions on enabling employees to come back to work in a safe environment.

At the Factory: Automation Engineer Uses Laptop for Programming Robotic Arm. New Era in Automatic Manufacturing Industry.

Here at European Springs & Pressings, we have been fortunate enough to continue working safely throughout the entirety of the pandemic thanks to a combination of forward planning and robotic technologies we have invested in over the years. Our team have adapted well to working under new social distancing guidelines, whilst continuing to provide vital components for a variety of healthcare equipment, such as ventilators.

As one of the country’s leading spring manufacturers with over 70 years’ experience in the industry, we realise just how important it is to continually invest in the very latest technologies to continue expanding our output capabilities on a consistent basis. That’s why we have always taken steps to purchase the very latest manufacturing equipment and robotic innovations that are capable of assisting us with manufacturing processes, which has allowed us to be in the position we are in today.


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