Changing the World: Engineering Your Career
Being the 9th largest manufacturer in the world, the UK's engineering industry provides many contributions and technological innovations with a multitude of worldwide applications.
The engineering industry takes pride in 'changing the world', and Cornwall alone contributes with £800 million a year to the local economy. Secretary of the Cornwall Manufacturers Group, Ken Martin, adds that the 1,100 manufactures provide an industry that employs more than 16,0000 people.
Cornwall Manufacturers Group is invested in students’ careers, and in a recent career show they launched a brochure showcasing expert knowledge from some of Cornwall's best managers, apprentices, and managing directors. Our very own Managing Director, Michael Gibbs, was featured in this brochure aimed at the UK's South West young student population.
Michael Gibbs, Managing Director of European Springs
Initially a Medicine student, Michael Gibbs realised the degree didn't suit his abilities and, as such, he undertook a Masters in Mechanical Engineering at Exeter University. Study in CAD design to gas turbine technology and grinding and milling in workshops followed a two-year graduate scheme at Rolls Royce in Bristol.
Under the employment of European Springs, he completed a funded two year KTP scheme, studying for an MA in Management. Michael developed his skills, allowing a more complex application that successfully ended with him becoming Operations Manager of European Springs. The company grew from a turnover of £800k a year in 2001 to £7.5 million in 2016 under his direction. The 900% growth resulted in the company relocating to larger premises in 2013 and extending the existing building at Treleigh Industrial State, in Redruth.
Engineering Your Career
Throughout the UK, engineering students are contributing with breakthrough technology developments. While studying his MSc in Innovation Design Engineering consisting of a joint course between the Royal College Art and Imperial's Dyson School of Design Engineering, Luca Alessandrini developed a violin composed of a mixture of spider silk and resin. His project won over 49 other entries at the International Student Innovation Awards.
His violin allows for sound customisation due to the spider silk vibrating the casing. The addition of resin produces a material combination with a unique tone that is altered through blending the materials in different quantities.
The engineering industry quickly changes and adapts to the world's technological needs, providing remarkable growth to the local economies. With ever-changing engineering expertise, students are able to specialise in a varied selection of paths within the industry and achieve a truly exciting career path.
Engineering innovations are exciting, and here at European Springs we always strive for the latest technology and innovative spring design methods. Get in touch with our team on +44 208 663 1800; we're always happy to help!
Alternatively, can find us on Facebook and Twitter to see our latest news and updates.
European Springs